Thursday 1 October 2015


To begin my idea development, I started to experiment with the colour along the side. I added the text and looked at a few different colours:

I think out of these colours, the yellow is my favourite. I think its bright and attention grabbing, and it has the ability to print out brightly, where as the paler blue colour wouldn't print out as bright as I wanted it to. I think the yellow looks quite contemporary and modern, and I think it will fit in with the rest of the design.

After I chose the colour, I decided to move on to picking the typefaces for my header. I wanted something quite bold and attention grabbing. I decided to look at serif fonts as I usually stray from these within my work and wanted to try something a little different. I found a font called Adobe Caslon Pro which fit what I wanted perfectly:

I decided to go for the bold in capitals because it stood out and it will definitely contrast over the body copy which will be a sans serif for readability:

It took a while to find a proper layout, but I decided to go for the two outside flaps having just 1 stage on, and the inside ones next to the yellow tab having 2 stages on. I feel that this is effective because it frames the yellow bar and is in a proper reading order (left to right). I decided to use the font Karla for my body, as it's a legible sans serif similar to helvetica, but it has its own flare:

I applied my layout to the inside flap as shown:

After this I lined up my other stages on the other side of the leaflet:

For the front cover, I wanted it to be quite simple and to the point. As the leaflet is called "The Design Process", I decided to have this on my front cover in Adobe Caslon Pro, in the same colour yellow as the tab.

I printed out my design in preparation for the interim crit: 

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