Thursday, 8 October 2015


Once I had a logo that was suitable, I developed it further, firstly creating a black and white version so it was more versatile:

I also tried the outlines in colour:

I think that this is effective too, although the lightest colour could be quite difficult to see. I continued with this logo and mocked it up on several different platforms:

I tried to use mockups that would be relevant to the cafe. The top image is a paper bag which would be used for take-out orders. I think the text/lines could possibly be thicker so its easier to see, but I think the design works really well here.

I also created a vinyl window sticker to display the logo. I think white is the most effective colour as it stands out on any colour. Again, I think the type could be slightly thicker just to make it clearer to read.

Finally I mocked up some stickers which could be used to stick down the paper bags or placed on various other  places. If these were to ever be produced, I'd want them to have the hole in the middle as it's integral for the concept.

I sent these images to Rhonda and I got a great response:

Hi Charlotte,

I think they look great, if we hadn't already gone and done all our publicity and design we would of seriously considered asking to use your work.

Hope you get a good response from your module leader
Best wishes

Obviously it's slightly disappointing that my work won't be used, but it's still a brilliant response that my work would even be considered. I'm happy to have made something that the client really likes.

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