Monday, 26 October 2015


This book is perfect bound and just has the title on the spine, the cover is purely decorative and doesn't have any information on it (unless it has a jacket that isn't included on this photo). I really like this idea, having a geometric theme running throughout my book is something I'd like to include. The colours are similar to what I have in mind too (if I were to choose red, white and blue, the colour of The Netherlands flag).

This book its self isn't really relevant to the project, but the cover is so bold and eye catching. Again, it uses a similar concept and colours that I'd like to use, and I think this cover has confirmed that the sans serif typeface would work in this context. 

This layout looks quite messy to begin with, but if you look closely it does have a clear structure, especially on the right hand side. The idea of placing vectors over the image wasn't something I'd thought about before, but this seems to work really well.

The simplicity of this layout is what caught my eye. The way all of the images compliments each other makes you spend more time looking at it, and creates a more harmonious spread. If I were to have multiple images on one spread, I'd want them to work together like in this image. I'd consider using a duo-tone or changing the hue/saturation to make them work together.

Although this is a poster, the layout of this really caught my attention. The obvious, strict grid and the letters that look like they've just been placed down randomly create a really nice contrast within the poster. This is really effective in the way it catches the eye, it's unconventional and strange, yet endearing. Some of the letters have even been reflected so they're the wrong way around. 

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