Thursday 8 October 2015


After speaking to Rhonda from The Bagelry, she mentioned she was interested in early graphic design, and the works of Milton Glaser.

Milton Glaser is probably most famous for creating the I <3 New York logo and Bob Dylan poster:

Both of these images use bold colours and are very iconic. I'd like to create something that reflects the minimal nature of this style, but is also memorable and connected to the brand. I feel like going with my idea of a simple bagel design, or vector characters would be a good direction, since my client likes this sort of style already, and it's quite contrasting to what they already have. 

I looked into the covers of the Modern Publicity annuals that Rhonda also mentioned. They have a similar, bold and striking style. 

I think from this reserach, I can confirm that I'd like to create something quite minimal, but striking for them. A vector logo would be great for this, and illustrator is the software that I'm most confident with.

Rhonda also said in the email:
"Other than all that, that's just me I would genuinely love to see another's fresh ideas on it all, I can't wait to see what you come up with."

This is good as it gives me room to experiment, and it sounds like they're just interested in seeing what I can create! 

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