Wednesday, 14 January 2015

OUGD405 - Studio Brief 4 Written Brief

For studio brief 4 we were asked to write our own briefs on a blank template. As I already have a good idea of what I wanted to achieve in this brief I found it quite easy to write.

During the modern day, taxidermy has  been forgotten and branded as old-fashioned. Your task is to find a current taxidermy business - or create your own, and re-brand it to appeal to the people of 2015. You should consider the demographic of this re-brand and find a specific target audience for the style you are going for.

- Look into existing taxidermy brands 
- Consider target audience
- Consider peoples opinions of taxidermy 

Produce a logo, business card, info leaflet and website design at the minimum, printed using the digital print resource where applicable.

- A series of blog posts documenting your process
- Design boards
- Physical items ready to hand in, e.g. printed business card, etc.

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