Tuesday, 13 January 2015

OUGD405 - Studio Brief 3 Illustrations

The images that I had for studio brief 2 didn't really work with my style, so I decided to try and draw some illustrations for my booklet. I wanted them to look quite rough and sketchy, because it contrasts with the style of the book and also goes back to the roots of taxidermy being quite old fashioned. I researched taxidermy illustrations and came across these images from the book "Home Taxidermy for Pleasure and Profit":

I found this really cool as I didn't consider drawing the tools or eyes before, so I had a try at drawing some of them for myself:

I also included some mounting board shapes, just incase I wanted to use them. I thought I should also draw some images of actual taxidermy, so taking reference from real images, I drew these illustrations with fineliner: 

They look quite rough and sketchy but thats the style I'm going for. I started to put these images into my booklet:

I also included a dedicated illustrations page:

Overall I'm happy with how my images look, I feel they are a nice contrast to the modern sans serif throughout the booklet and break it up nicely, but there aren't too many of the illustrations that they are overpowering. 

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