Tuesday, 13 January 2015

OUGD404 - What is a Book? Studio Brief 2 Study task 2

For our second half of today's design principals, we were given paper and asked to experiment with the folds to make a book. I wasn't very experienced in this, and only succeeded with the accordion fold.
Other people in my group had some really good folding techniques, and we chose a triangle book to be our main idea for the presentation to the group. I was shown how to make it and I think it looks very effective.
My 3 chosen folds for use of effectiveness are: 

The accordion fold - 

This fold creates 8 pages including front and back out of 1 sheet of paper. When using this fold, you have to use paper 2 sizes up from the paper you want to get, for example you need an A2 sheet to get an A4 sized booklet. I think this method is appropriate as it is cheap to produce and is simple. 

The triangle booklet:

This works by making 3 squares out of paper and then creating them into triangles and slotting them together. The order can get quite confusing at times, but I think if the design on the inside was creative and well thought it this style of book could work really well. 

Long booklet fold:

This paper fold is in the style of a leaflet rather than a book its self, but it is still folded and has space for information. I think this would be most appropriate for a menu or an instruction booklet as everything is simple and easy to get around in this style of fold.

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