Monday 12 January 2015

OUGD405 - Studio Brief 4 Interim Crit

Today we had our interim crit for Studio Brief 4 and I received some useful feedback about what direction to take my re-brand. Someone suggested using bright colours which I liked the idea of, to make it less boring and old fashioned. It was also suggested to make it look expensive, but fun. I need to consider my demographic for this brand too, which I think should be young people who don't really consider taxidermy to be anything interesting or modern. 

I passed paper around to get some feedback and this is what I received: 

- Good making it modern, like the bright colour ideas - maybe geometric?
- Like the idea of re-branding, focus on making it more non-scary. 
- Use bright colours and make it exciting and eye catching. Make it fun but specific for an audience.

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