Friday, 9 January 2015

OUGD405 - Studio Brief 4 informal crit

After we had finished our crits for studio brief 3, we had some spare time left so as a group we decided to discuss ideas on studio brief 4. I explained my 3 initial ideas about modernising taxidermy, re-branding a business and making it less "creepy" to appeal to a wider audience. As I was explaining my ideas, I thought that they could all work together as part of a large scale re-branding and advertising project. Though I only have a week, I am aiming to produce quite range of collateral including a logo, business cards, flyers/information sheets, a possible packaging design for the taxidermy, a website and posters.
I'm going to take these ideas into the studio brief 4 interim crit on Monday and hopefully get some good feedback and ideas on what else I could create, or any different directions I could go in.

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