Monday, 2 May 2016


Concluding from my research, it seems that I should take an educational tone in this project. Many people that responded to the survey said that they were interested in vegan activism as long as the content wasn't extreme or graphic. Children between the ages of 5-12 are capable of understanding what happens, and it seems appropriate to educate people of a more impressionable age rather than adults who are already "set in their ways". As I have an interest in children's design, it seemed appropriate to try and educate children on this issue and create something they would be interested in.

A subtle, friendly approach would be most suitable for the audience as children sensitive and could get upset by some of the more harsh realities. It's also important to keep their parents as a consideration, as many parents may not feel comfortable with their children having opposing views to their own.

Ideas for deliverables:

Ideally, the deliverables would be a friendly fun pack that children can interact with and learn at the same time. An activity book seems to be one of the best options, as this allows children to enjoy themselves while learning about sustainability and animal agriculture in a relaxed way. Along with this, a goodie bag including other merchandise such as stickers and posters would tie the project together. Recipe cards are also a fun idea to get children interacting with the vegetarian/vegan lifestyle. Allowing them to make exciting, tasty food shows them they can enjoy eating without the need of animals.

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