Saturday, 21 November 2015


I struggled in coming up with some ideas at first, as website/UX design is something very new to me, and something I haven't really considered before. I thought about doing a simplistic website with just a countdown on until the album is released, but that seemed to obvious and quite boring, because people will know what its counting down to. I want to build hype and excitement within the community of fans, and get them thinking.

I want to have the number 2 as a large focus on their promotion and branding, as its the 2nd album in the trilogy. A way to engage with fans would be to have a secret gig promoted on the website leading up to the release, with a slow trickle of clues to keep them guessing. I think 1 clue a week would be appropriate, for 4 weeks until the release, and the show would be The Smashing Pumpkins performing their new album in an undisclosed location. There will be a few rules, e.g. first come first served, but also some "prizes" for the fans if they can guess where the gig is. Everyone gets a copy of the album, free drink and first 10 people will get to meet the band. Info about this will be released on the day of the show on the website (but still not disclosing the location).

I'd like to keep the website quite minimal up until the release of the album, with small clues bring released:

Clue 1 - Let people know, build hype
Clue 2 - Where?
Clue 3 - When?
Clue 4 - Lyric to build hype and give a bigger clue to where the show is being played.

After the album is released, there will be a link to purchase the album and tour dates/posters announced. This will also be on the bands social media and their actual website.

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