Thursday 19 November 2015


It's important to know who you're designing for when creating an online campaign. You need to make sure you appeal to the audience and grab their attention using the best processes and methods possible.

Here are 2 different Lean personas of what the target audience is:

Profile 1
Gender: Male
Age: 42
From: UK
Marital status: Married/Partner
Family Arrangements: Lives with family and children
Job: Low to mid tier pay

Behaviors -

  • Re-living punk/rock era
  • Quite relaxed
  • Cares about family
Needs and Goals -
  • Easy to use website
  • Not very internet savvy
  • Needs clear information
Profile 2

Gender: Male
Age: 21
From: UK
Marital status: Single
Family arrangements: Lives alone/with friends
Job: Student

Behaviors -

  • Spends time with friends
  • Listens to music on the go
  • Has lots of studying
Needs and Goals - 
  • Interactive website
  • Links to social media
  • Keep engagement through FOMO (Fear of missing out)

Through analysing the target market, its easier to create a more engaging and successful website. There are 2 very different profiles here, and catering to them both will be quite difficult. Profile 1 is not very internet savvy and needs extra help navigating websites. Profile 2 is used to the internet, and will be looking for a more complex solution to keep them engaged.

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