Friday 20 November 2015


Once I had a solid foundation from my initial sketches, I moved on to draw out some buildings that could be used in my cover. I used a fine liner for these designs as its the tool I find easiest to use, and it makes a stroke that is very bold on the page:

I vectorised the second set of houses to see what they would look like, and experimented with colour variations:

I used a website called Coolous to generate a colour pallet, but this variation isn't really what I had in mind at all. I decided to take the background buildings out, and focus on one larger row of buildings: 

I changed the colour pallet to more subtle blues and a pop of pink. I think this approach is more effective than previous designs. I played around with the colour of the design and created some more simplistic clouds: 

I think a pink sky is more effective as it resembles a sunset, and can be linked with how Emil is running out of time to find his stolen money. After I created this design, I developed the buildings further by scanning in my drawing of the houses, and adding colour to them through illustrator, using large, uneven shapes:

I think this style is more appropriate, as the vector buildings look too perfect and clinical, especially as I wanted this book cover to have a more hand drawn, relatable feel. 

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