Saturday 28 March 2015

OUGD406 - Studio Brief 4 Initial Ideas

The last brief in this module - and of the year, is to create something to show the new first years when they arrive in September. Whatever we create should be reflective of our year and advise the new students about what we experienced. 
For this brief I didn't have any initial ideas that jumped out at me straight away, which happens most of the time for me, so I decided to sit down and come up with some ideas that could work. I thought back to the beginning of the year, what I felt and what worries I had. I thought back to what I would like to know about the year ahead. 
Some of the initial ideas or aspects to focus on I had were:
- It's not all about type (as the first module was heavily focused on type)
- Working in various different mediums
- Tips for time management
- Tips for stress
- Blogging
- De-stress routine
- Conversation starters
- Do's and Dont's
- Memorable moments

I wanted whatever I created to be appealing, fun and not daunting for the new first years. I want to be able to help and advise them, not make them feel even more worried or stressed. I think a few days to think on these ideas will make whatever I want to create become clearer.

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