Wednesday 11 March 2015

OUGD406 - Studio Brief 3 - Day 3

Today was my day to do my screen printing for brief 2, so our group decided to work from home. Once my screen printing was done, I decided to work on my posters in the evening. Before we had decided on the colour scheme  I created these posters, just to get some ideas down. I first started with the idea of individuality and linking those to barcodes:

I created these using the blend tool and experimented with the weights of the strokes. I moved onto other designs using A4 proportioned squares as the idea behind it, to link it back to our concept:

These ideas worked better and fit our concept more. My group seemed to like these so I then I played around with our colour scheme:

These are the final ideas I've created for the poster range. I'm going to show my group tomorrow and they can decide which 3 are the best.

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