Wednesday 11 March 2015

OUGD406 - Studio Brief 2 Screen Prints

Today I created my screen prints for studio brief 2, which will be put in the exhibition. It was quite a long task, as I had to create a lot of pieces to make sure I made one that was suitable. I have done screen printing before, but the resources at the college were different to what I have used before, so it was nice to use something more professional. 

This is my final screen print: 

I'm happy with how it turned out in the end, as I was worried that the inks wouldn't mix as well as they do on the computer. Some of my prints didn't go as well: 

I prefer how light the blue was on this print, though the ink dried on the screen and not all of it made it through. I definitely have something that's suitable for the exhibition though, which I am happy about.

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