Monday 2 March 2015

OUGD406 - Full Sleeve Design

Once I had my final design created, I was able to create the sleeve for the rest of the book. 

I decided to carry on the swirling pattern over to the back, to make it continue on and give a framework for the layout on the back page. I used the same typeface for the spine, and layering the two colours to add a continuity to the design. I then took the information from the back of the original book and added it to my design. This included the authors of the essays, the publishers and the price of the book.

I think this cover works overall. It's more interesting than the original and it works better with the content inside. The original looked more like a thriller novel than a book about design, so hopefully within my design you can see that the cover has been thought about and looks more relatable to the content. 

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