Thursday, 12 March 2015

OUGD404 - Studio Brief 2 Sweet Recipes

Progressing through the creation of my book, the next stage was the sweet recipes. I wanted the book to be in the same style throughout, so similar to this page:

I created a sweet version:

The first sweet recipe in my book is Pumpkin Praline Trifle. I found a high quality image to use that would fit on one page:

To contrast the white of the previous SWEET page, I decided to have a dark brown background (the same as the SAVOURY page) and have white text. I think it also compliments the image and makes it seem more indulgent:

As there were 3 parts to this recipe I decided to place them in 3 columns again. 

The next recipe is Apple Frangipan Tart. The image that I wanted to use had a dark top and a light bottom when rotated:

I felt like a dark background was unnecessary for this page, and with a light background it would break up the book because of the dark page previous:

After this, the next recipe was Peanut Butter Fudge Brownies with Honey Roasted Peanuts. I decided that a dark background would work for this as the image I found was mostly dark - I felt like it would compliment the dish. As there wasn't much text for this I decided to use two columns and center them in the middle of the page, making use of the negative space on the page:

My next dish is a Black Forest Gateau. The best image I found was only small in size, but this dish had quite a lot of text, so I decided to have the image of the dish on one page along with the instructions, and the other page had the title with the ingredients:

It took a while to get all the text right on this page but I feel like it was successful in the end.

The final dish in my recipe book is a Red Velvet cake. I created a simple layout for this page, with the image on the left page and two columns of text on the right page. This page was quite easy to create and everything seemed to fall into place:

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