Monday, 23 February 2015

OUGD406 - Studio Brief 2 Final Design

After the crit I considered the feedback I received and started to make a new design. I wanted to play around with the 3D effect and mixing of the inks, as this was the most popular idea when it was discussed in the crit. It involves aspects of the idea of looking closer, and makes the image slightly distorted. I created this design, experimenting with shapes and text: 

I think this could work as the cover, but it doesn't particularly strike me as a book cover, it looks more like a poster and there's a lot of white space that I don't think works that well here.

Not being 100% happy with this design, I started again. Instead of using red and cyan to create a black, I changed the colours slightly and tried pink and cyan. These colours worked better together I think, giving a dark blue/purple look. This works better because the use of 2 colours mixing together to give a 3rd bright colour, rather than black makes the image look more interesting and inviting.

I warped the text around the swirling shape, as though it's drawing you into the book. I feel that this is my most successful cover design throughout this project, and I'm happy with what I've created. The cover looks exciting and it draws you into reading it, without it being misleading about the content as the cover its self is quite ambiguous. I think this design will screen print well and the inks will make it look very interesting. 

Now that I have a cover design, I'm going to focus on the spine and the back of the booklet to create the full wrap around design.

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