This was all of the feedback I received about my designs. There was a lot to go through but it was very helpful as I don't usually get feedback in this volume. The numbers on my feedback are referring to my designs, which I will display here with their number:
Design 1 -
Design 2 -
Design 3 -
Design 4 -
Design 5 -
Here is the feedback I received in more detail:
What song do you think it is?
- St. Vincent, because of the number 4 showing the negative side of using too much technology/social media.
- Digital Witness definitely, because of image 4.
- St. Vincent, very obvious = computer, eyes, etc.
- St. Vincent recognisable from design 1, having listened to the song. All the others are slightly harder to guess but I like the enigma.
- St. Vincent because of design 4 and the use of the word "computer" - link to the name of the song. Also the blind design from the video
- St. Vincent because of the word computer
- St. Vincent - number 3 is what gives it away - think its the most obvious
- St. Vincent - colours on no. 1 are bright and representative.
- Definitely Digital Witness because the overall theme is like hypnotism and downfall which is successful.
- I think it is St. Vincent because of the use of the window on 5, and the hands illustation (4) as her main message is that digital media is a waste of time and you may as well be looking out of the window.
- Digital witness - Reference to hypnotism and "too much computer".
Which design is your favourite? Why?
- Number 2 because of the colours and the cloud like effect, although I wouldn't be able to tell that it was for the St. Vincent song.
- Definitely number 3, I think it is a strong image as it is black and white and I could see it being in a shop.
- Number 1 - love the angled text, overlapping colours, would stand out from a distance.
- I like design 2 as it is unclear what song it is for and looks like peter pan. It looks magical and unique.
- Number 2 because it's not clear what song the design is for. It seems like a disney movie poster.
- 2 is probably my favourite as it is subtle and fairytale like.
- 1 - The use of text is individual despite it only being 1 word.
- 4 is also really nice
- 3, I like how simple it is, the spirals are actually hard to look at.
- I really like design 5, I think this is an element that no one in the class has used. I recognise the blinds from the video and it links in well to the video without being too obvious or cliché
- My favourite is number 5 because it is quite a subtle message from the lyrics that only fans will understand. The drama of black and white makes it stand out from the rest of the images. However, I really like the visual look of number 2, I am just unsure of the message you are portraying.
- I really like number 3 visually, I think it works really well and is a simplistic design. The hypnotised eyes pull you in and almost create an optical illusion.
How could any be improved? Give details:
- Number 5 could be improved by having some type maybe?
- 3 - try different colours but I think white works, 4 - no type, 2 & 3 - not really sure of the concept behind these
- 3 - try a colour on the background with white imagery, 4 - try black/dark grey background
- design 3 is a little too simple, feel it needs something extra - maybe changing weight of strokes to show curves. I also think the type choice for 4 is ill fitting with the song or the theme of computers - too artistic, needs to be more simple
- Design 3 could be better if some colours would be added because at the moment it looks too simple.
- Design 5 - not 100% sure on what this relates - not clear on the shape or why the colours are used and this could be made a little more obvious.
- Maybe add more depth and texture to number 1, I like how the bright colours and "yeah" suggest our submission to digital things.
- You could try number 3 against a brighter coloured backgrounds/maybe give it an anaglyph effect to make it a bit trippy.
- Could experiment with the eyes in number 3, maybe different uses of colour
Are there any colour changes you would make? Why?
- Number one because there is too much colour because of the overlaying of words. Try using a limited palette.
- 3 - coloured background and white illustrations
- Perhaos a different coloured background for number 5, something less dark as the video is very colourful. Maybe yellow to show light coming in. Number 1 colours are too bright possibly? something less fierce, not necessarily pastels but not neons either.
- Maybe have a lighter coloured background for number 5 which would make it stand for.
- The colours/white backgrounds are very subtle compared to design 1 which is eye catching and exciting
- 4 could have a little stronger as I feel they're too pale and dont stand out well on white stock.
- 5 - the song and video is very lively and jolly so i don't think black and white works at all with this as it gives off connotations of depression, doesn't fit or link.
- maybe optical eyes in number 3 should be in the bright colours of number 1, enforce the illusion image - or use the lilac/green theme from her video on number 5, this would make the image look less harsh perhaps?
- keep it simple - i like the colours used in 1, really effective and simple.
How do you think these should be produced?
- Screen print/mono print/water colour (2)
- I would definitely say for the colourful one digitally, and for the less coloured one screen print.
- Screen print 1 + 3
- Screen print or printed on acetate for number 3
- 1, 3, 5 screen printed, others digitally
- Design 1 would do well with screen print and design 2 using paint e.g. water paint.
- For 1, screen print could work well as the inks can be made transparent.
- They look really good vectorised!
- Vector images! or even a screen print I think would be really effective
I found this feedback really useful but quite overwhelming as there was so much of it. I think that it's really valuable to listen to what other people think, and I will definitely take some of this feedback on board.
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