These are the 5 designs I took into the crit:
I got some useful feedback here, and now know which direction to take my cover. Most people liked the 3D effect design, and said that it would translate really well as a screen print, using the colour overlays. People also liked the illusion designs, but someone said to be careful about looking like a magician or a world record book. The circular pink design didn't do too well, as someone pointed out that it kind of looks like a medical information leaflet on breast cancer because of the pink and delicate typeface used. I found the second years advice to be really useful as they're more experienced and sometimes have some ideas that we haven't thought of before.
Overall I'm pleased with the feedback because people have given me a strong direction in which to head, and these designs aren't final anyway, so I have time to improve and consider what way I want to go.
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