Monday 2 February 2015

OUGD406 - Studio brief 1 - Secret 7

Today we were given our first brief for this module - a competition brief for Secret 7. We need to produce a Vinyl Sleeve design for one of the following seven songs:

The Maccabees - Go
St. Vincent - Digital Witness
The Rolling Stones - Dead Flowers
Dianna Ross & The Supremes - Reflections 
The Chemical Brothers - Let Forever Be
Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer
Underworld - Born Slippy (Nuxx)

Once we had listened to the songs, I had an idea of what they sounded like and what I wanted to create. Upon the first few listens, I was deciding between The Maccabees and St. Vincent. I decided to create some quick thumbnail designs to get my ideas down and see what I could come up with: 

After I had some initial ideas down, I went through them and highlighted the ones in red which I thought were the most successful and wanted to focus on. We needed 5 ideas for the final crit, so I wanted to make sure I had more than that, to ensure I had any backups in case they didn't go to plan.

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