Tuesday 7 April 2015

OUGD406 - Studio Brief 4 Written Brief

Here is my own written brief for studio brief 4 -

Studio Brief: 

Produce a graphic response to/graphic product /piece of work that makes a statement, comment, observation or gives advice about your experience on your first year of this course.

Make the new students feel welcome, and comfortable within the course, share your experiences of your first year and ensure they have been eased into the course. Make sure it links to graphic design, but also the general student experience. 

Think about the new experiences that you have had, the difficulties that you have overcome and the new people you have met and the life skills you have acquired this year.

What might you say, do or give to next years graphic design students to make the transition into the student experience, particularly this course more welcoming?


A physical resolution for the brief
Design boards
Blog posts

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