Your entire family is affected when you move to university, so its important that everyone has a smooth transition through it. I started by giving my experiences with my family, and how I visited home quite often and my family visited me too.
"Coping with leaving your family and living on your own is what I found the hardest. You've got to be totally independent, be able to cook your own food, do your washing and keep everything clean and tidy in the kitchen to avoid the inevitable flatmate fall out. It can help to invite your parents up to visit you and go shopping and have a nice meal out. You can show them all you've learnt in your new found independence, and I'm sure they’ll be impressed! If you miss home you can always go home for the weekend - make sure you budget for this! Home is always going to be there, so don’t worry too much. When you go back for long periods of time you might find you miss living on your own!"
I kept this double page quite minimal, as yellow was the only colour left from the gradient:
The tips page I made quite bright, I used a faint gradient, starting from a yellow-ish green through to bright yellow. I think this shows the gradient transition and the metaphorical meaning of it nicely.
After I had finished my book I decided to upload it to Issuu to see what it looked like properly as a booklet. I think printing in a5 would be suitable, rather than a6. I'm also debating whether to staple bind or perfect bind the book at this stage. I can see this booklet being used during freshers, just as a small guide included in the pack you get at the beginning of the year, just ensuring new students about all the new changes.
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