Monday 6 April 2015

OUGD406 - Studio Brief 4 Final style development

After creating the blue gradient style cover, I thought about taking the gradient idea even further. I wanted to create something eye-catching and friendly, that was quite humorous and shared my experiences. I decided to apply a proper gradient to the page and used orange and a royal blue colour:

I changed this to a dark blue/purple colour to make the colours warmer:

After that I added some vector lines to the page to break it up and make it look more interesting: 

I decided that I liked this cover and concept, but the colours didn't seem very eye catching, so I changed them to the dark blue to green to yellow:

These colours looked more approachable, and also can signify the students feelings as the progress through this booklet and also their first year. The dark blue/purple represents doubt and worry, but as they progress through to the yellow they become happy and more relaxed. As there are 4 main colours in this, I think linking each theme (stress, money friends and family) to each colour as the book progresses will tie the book together nicely. 

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