Wednesday 8 April 2015

OUGD406 - Studio Brief 4 Friends

Making new friends is something everyone worries about at university. What most people don't realise is everyone is in the same boat and will be eager to make friends. Most people are pretty mature and you'll actually make some really nice friends. This is what I wanted to get across within my paragraph:

"The first few weeks of uni are tough. Meeting so many new people and coping with different surroundings can be a daunting experience, so its important that you make some great friends to help you on your way! Everyone is in the same position as you are, so don’t be afraid to talk to anyone and strike up a conversation. 
Honestly, most of the people you spend freshers with won’t be your friends for life. You will meet people that you like, and people that you don’t. Make sure you get in with the right crowd! Make sure you don’t forget your friends at home too. Keeping in regular contact with them while you’re away is vital to maintaining friendships. You could even invite them over for a fun night out!"

It's also important to remember friends at home so I also included that within my paragraph.

The next double page spread is the friends tips. Again, I had the background as the gradient to emphasise the colours, and filled the page with quick simple tips:

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