Tuesday 21 April 2015

OUGD404 - Studio Brief 2 Final Crit

Today we had our final crit for our booklets. This crit was different to the ones we usually do, as it took place anonymously by writing comments on a piece of paper. I asked questions on this sheet were:

- Is the binding method appropriate?
- What are the strengths of the book?
- Does black work for the front cover?
- Does the content suit the style of the book?
- Do you think a white cover would look better?

Overall I had a positive response to my book, people said that the binding method worked as you could lay the book flat when cooking, so the book won't change page e.g. if it was perfect bound. Everyone seemed to like the black cover, which I wasn't sure about because my initial idea was white, but they said that the practical aspect of it was that it wouldn't get dirty around food. The only issue people had with my book was the binding was quite loose and it didn't hold firm - which I agree with. It was my first time binding a book like this so I wasn't sure how  it would turn out.

I'm happy with the feedback I received for my book as I was quite unsure about the final design of it, I seemed to encounter a lot of problems when making it. 

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