Saturday 29 November 2014

OUGD405 - Studio Brief 01 Interim Crit

After deciding on my target audience - Urban Outfitters, I started designing my photo frame backing papers. I created some simple geometric designs in illustrator using different shapes for the different sizes, then moved them over to photoshop and added a texture and played around with the different levels and colours. I took these 3 designs into the interim crit: 

I got some positive feedback and although these designs are unfinished and don't completely work as a set, I have a clear goal and know where I'm taking this design. The bottom two work together well, but the first design is one I'm not very happy with. Some of the feedback that I got includes:
- Good initial ideas and shapes.
- Could use different patterns and colours to make a really crazy, jazzy image for Urban Outfitters.
- Play with type a bit more, change where the "middle" shape is so the type can go elsewhere.
- Experiment with other shapes and fonts.

Overall I'm happy with my progress so far, I've got some good feedback to work with and I know what direction I need to take my designs for them to work as a set and appeal to the target audience.

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