Thursday 27 November 2014

Photoshop Induction

Today we had our photoshop induction, and the task we were given in this was to create a film poster. I chose the film The Prestige, which is quite a dark film that focuses on two rivaling magicians. I wanted to capture this within the poster, and leave a sense of mystery to it.
After messing around on photoshop for a while and creating various other posters, my favourite one was this:

It features the tagline "are you watching closely?" and has two hands, both with the same fingers cut off - a major plot point in the film. I also added the birds at the top because these feature quite a lot in the magic tricks. The gritty, rough texture was used to make the poster look more interesting and also because it was set in the end of the 19th century, and one of the characters has struggles within his life with money, etc.
Overall I'm happy with what I've produced, since I'm not a big fan of creating film posters, and I think this poster I've made fits well with the film.

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