Thursday, 17 March 2016


Many meat eaters struggle to cut down on meat, let alone become vegan. I conducted a poll which asks meat eaters what is stopping them from becoming vegetarian.

The poll received over 1,300 votes, and the main reason was because meat tastes too nice. This is an issue as people often find it difficult to give up instant gratification. The main "other" vote reason was due to health issues or difficulty living with unsupportive parents. Again, these issues are difficult to overcome as they are out of control of the person.

A way to combat how meat tastes too nice would be to put people off meat all together. This could be done with shocking imagery and hard-hitting facts, but the tone of voice of the project would be extremely negative - which often us unsuccessful.

After this poll I decided to take a more in-depth approach and create a survey. I asked my audience 4 questions:

The responses to this poll were mainly meat-eaters, so the rest of the poll is based around a meat-eater bias.

I went onto ask what would stop non-vegans from becoming vegan. Just over 50% of answers were inconvenience. The 2nd most popular answer was "other", where there were a wide range of responses: 

A few of these answers were vulgar/rude. This shows that some people have a negative view of vegans, and won't answer a simple survey seriously.

"Interesting" was the most popular answer for this question, which was uplifting as people are showing an interest in my proposed subject. Again, some people responded "other" and there were a range of responses: 

Most people were accepting of activism as long as it wasn't too graphic. 

The answers to this question were quite even. The main reason people would cut down on meat/dairy was animal welfare, with environmental impacts and health benefits coming closely 2nd and 3rd. "Other" responses included: 


Overall, the amount of people who responded to the survey was almost 100 people. This has given me some good information to base my project off. I have learned that people dislike graphic, in-your-face activism, though they do find vegan activism interesting. The main reason people aren't vegan at the moment is due to inconvenience and being unaware of foods they can buy/make.

The survey also brought to light some people who have a negative attitude towards veganism. This has shown me that veganism needs to be taken more seriously within society and not just seen as a joke. 

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