Saturday 12 March 2016


Once Fennell had finished all 6 illustrations, I created some portrait posters. I felt that portrait was preferable to landscape posters, especially as we needed to also create mockups. The final posters work well as a set, although I'm quite unsure of the inventor designs as they aren't really clear. Me and Emily expressed this multiple times, but as the deadline draws closer, we don't have time to change it. Overall the campaign has a strong identity, looks friendly and inviting to new users and shows them just a fraction of what can be achieved. 

One of the other tasks I was given was to apply the campaign to the adobe website. I took the framework and applied each suitable software to the different characters we've created. 

The website will work similarly to the existing adobe website, where you scroll down the page rather than visiting multiple pages to access information. The user can hover over software to get a more detailed look. The website is also interactive and fun to use, as the artwork will continuously change between the two designs. 

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