Saturday 12 March 2016


Upon receiving an email notifying me about the Love Arts Festival needing a front cover for their programme, I decided to respond to this brief as part of my individual practice.

The Brief: 

We want you to design the cover of our festival programme. The winning design will be used on marketing online, on our printed programme and on posters across the city.

  • The programme is A5 and full colour. The Love Arts branding is red, white and blue; you can attempt to fit your design into this colour scheme but it is by no means mandatory.
  • Text to include:
Love Arts Festival
A celebration of creativity and mental well-being in Leeds
5th - 20th October 2016
  • Text is usually better situated in the top half of the design so it stands out when in brochure racks
  • Logos 1: please include the Love Arts Festival logo. This can either be the one we provide or a reworked version (see attached cover from 2015 to show what we mean)
  • Logos 2: Please include the NHS logo (attached) - this MUST be top right. 
  • Theme: the festival highlights the creativity of people with mental health issues and how the arts can make us feel mentally well. Our loose them for 2016 is "identity" so we would welcome submissions that reflect this theme. 
  • The festival encompasses all sections of the arts: film, theatre, visual art, music, dance. It's a community festival run by and for the people of Leeds so a friendly "feel" would be preferred.

The wining design will be chosen by the Love Arts Steering Group. We may request some tweaks to fit in with our priorities. Other designs will be shared online if appropriate.

Deadline: 6th of May, 4pm. 

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