- Politics
- Feminism
- Veganism
- Sustainability
- Homelessness
Stemming from each one of these subjects, I created a few different ideas that could be relevant to the brief regarding that topic.
- Get more people involved in voting
- Appeal to young people
- Vote Green
- EU Referendum
- Rape culture
- How feminism helps everyone
- Intersectional feminism
- Meninism
- Animal Rights
- Health aspects
- Appealing to children
- How it helps the planet
- Veganism is cheap!
- Recycle!
- Eat less meat
- Use public transport
- Raising awareness
- Organise fundraiser
The topics with the most ideas are veganism and feminism. From this, it seems suitable to take these subjects forward in deciding what topic to choose for my focus. As they have the most ideas, its clear that these subjects are what I'm most passionate about and find most interesting.
Veganism is a touchy subject for most people, what they choose to eat is a personal decision and many of us don't like it when that decision is questioned. If this was the chosen subject, the tone of voice needs to be considered as it may actually do more harm than good - causing people to reject the idea even more. Many people aren't aware of the damage meat does to the body, and how the animals are treated on farms. You can live a much healthier, happier lifestyle through veganism - and that is something that should be promoted positively!
In the past few years, feminism has become a subject of much controversy. Many people dedicate their time to harassing feminists online and "trolling". A lot of this is down to pure ignorance, and not understanding the message feminism is trying to put across. The main reason people reject feminism is due to the name - a lot of the time people see it as female supremacy when actually, feminism helps everyone! This is something that needs to be addressed, also in a positive light.
Both of these subjects make for great options for the brief. Each one comes with its own set of challenges and prejudices that face it. I feel that veganism is more suited to this brief, as many people see it as an unattainable goal that they wish they could achieve but don't really bother. I want to inspire people to make a positive lifestyle change.
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