We successfully submitted to D&AD before the deadline.
Overall I'm pleased with the amount of work we've submitted and the quality of what we have produced as a team is excellent. I do feel that if the illustrations didn't take such a long time and we had longer to produce the video and other deliverables, we could have had a clearer concept and more well rounded submission. Nonetheless, we have all contributed to the project and met the deadline on time!
Friday, 25 March 2016
Below is the final video we produced including an introduction to our campaign, mockups and animations.
We will be submitting this along with supporting material in the form of presentation boards.
We will be submitting this along with supporting material in the form of presentation boards.
Tuesday, 22 March 2016
PETA are a UK based charity that stands for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Many of their campaigns and methods are seen as controversial and do not sit well with the vegetarian/vegan community. Some of their campaigns use sexualisation or extreme comparisons between humans and animals.
They use a shock tactics to bring to light the issues with animal agriculture. A lot of people aren't comfortable with viewing things like this, and even many vegans/vegetarians have a problem with this kind of promotion.
In this example PETA have used religion as the main point in this advert. They compare eating meat to sinning, trying to grab the attention of their potentially religious audience. The irony of this image is the woman eating an apple - referring to the garden of Eden where Adam and Eve were banished for eating the forbidden fruits. This ad tries to flip the story on its head, with the meat being the sin. This can be seen as offensive to christianity and people who follow the religion, using it as a way to promote PETA's agenda.
I conducted a poll to see whether people found PETA's methods effective in promoting veganism:
The results show a firm "no" answer. It seems that people would prefer a more gentle, positive introduction to veganism, rather than being shown graphic images and harsh facts.
Other examples include sexualisation of women to promote their charity. This is also a controversial design decision as many people believe this to be damaging the perceptions of women in the media.
I conducted a poll to see whether people found PETA's methods effective in promoting veganism:
The results show a firm "no" answer. It seems that people would prefer a more gentle, positive introduction to veganism, rather than being shown graphic images and harsh facts.
Monday, 21 March 2016
Dairy is a staple of many peoples diets. It's the 3rd largest segment in the UK eatwell plate:
Milk is seen as a staple ingredient around the UK. There have been many ad campaigns from the diary industry promoting milk, health benefits and that we need milk for calcium - strong bones for children.

Milk and dairy products are consistently promoted as part of a balanced diet, but a lot of research suggests otherwise.
“We have all been brought up with the idea that milk is good for you,” says Prof Plant. “But there is evidence now that the growth factors and hormones it contains are not just risky for breast cancer, but also other hormone-related cancers, of the prostate, testicles and ovary.”
"One common argument against dairy products is that it is “unnatural” to consume them.
This makes sense… humans are the only species that consumes milk in adulthood and certainly the only species that consumes the milk from another animal. Of course, the biological purpose of cow’s milk is to feed a rapidly growing calf. Humans aren’t calves… and adults usually don’t need to grow.
Before the agricultural revolution, humans only drank mother’s milk as infants. They didn’t consume dairy as adults… one of the reasons dairy is excluded on a strict paleo diet. Therefore, it doesn’t make sense from an evolutionary perspective that dairy is “needed” for optimal health. That being said, people in some areas of the world have been eating dairy for thousands of years and there are many studies that document how the genes have changed to accommodate dairy products in the diet. The fact that some of us are genetically adapted to eating dairy is a pretty convincing argument for it being “natural” for us to consume it."
"Dairy is nature’s perfect food — but only if you’re a calf."
"1. Milk doesn’t reduce fractures. Contrary to popular belief, eating dairy products has never been shown to reduce fracture risk. In fact, according to the Nurses’ Health Study dairy may increase risk of fractures by 50 percent!
2. Less dairy, better bones. Countries with lowest rates of dairy and calcium consumption (like those in Africa and Asia) have the lowest rates of osteoporosis.
3. Calcium isn’t as bone-protective as we thought. Studies of calcium supplementation have shown no benefit in reducing fracture risk.vitamin D appears to be much more important than calcium in preventing fractures.
4. Calcium may raise cancer risk. Research shows that higher intakes of both calcium and dairy products may increase a man’s risk of prostate cancer by 30 to 50 percent. Plus, dairy consumption increases the body’s level of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) — a known cancer promoter.
5. Calcium has benefits that dairy doesn’t. Calcium supplements, but not dairy products, may reduce the risk of colon cancer.
6. Not everyone can stomach dairy. About 75 percent of the world’s population is genetically unable to properly digest milk and other dairy products — a problem called lactose intolerance."
Milk is seen as a staple ingredient around the UK. There have been many ad campaigns from the diary industry promoting milk, health benefits and that we need milk for calcium - strong bones for children.
Thursday, 17 March 2016
Many meat eaters struggle to cut down on meat, let alone become vegan. I conducted a poll which asks meat eaters what is stopping them from becoming vegetarian.
The poll received over 1,300 votes, and the main reason was because meat tastes too nice. This is an issue as people often find it difficult to give up instant gratification. The main "other" vote reason was due to health issues or difficulty living with unsupportive parents. Again, these issues are difficult to overcome as they are out of control of the person.
A way to combat how meat tastes too nice would be to put people off meat all together. This could be done with shocking imagery and hard-hitting facts, but the tone of voice of the project would be extremely negative - which often us unsuccessful.
After this poll I decided to take a more in-depth approach and create a survey. I asked my audience 4 questions:
The poll received over 1,300 votes, and the main reason was because meat tastes too nice. This is an issue as people often find it difficult to give up instant gratification. The main "other" vote reason was due to health issues or difficulty living with unsupportive parents. Again, these issues are difficult to overcome as they are out of control of the person.
A way to combat how meat tastes too nice would be to put people off meat all together. This could be done with shocking imagery and hard-hitting facts, but the tone of voice of the project would be extremely negative - which often us unsuccessful.
After this poll I decided to take a more in-depth approach and create a survey. I asked my audience 4 questions:
The responses to this poll were mainly meat-eaters, so the rest of the poll is based around a meat-eater bias.
I went onto ask what would stop non-vegans from becoming vegan. Just over 50% of answers were inconvenience. The 2nd most popular answer was "other", where there were a wide range of responses:
A few of these answers were vulgar/rude. This shows that some people have a negative view of vegans, and won't answer a simple survey seriously.
"Interesting" was the most popular answer for this question, which was uplifting as people are showing an interest in my proposed subject. Again, some people responded "other" and there were a range of responses:
Most people were accepting of activism as long as it wasn't too graphic.
The answers to this question were quite even. The main reason people would cut down on meat/dairy was animal welfare, with environmental impacts and health benefits coming closely 2nd and 3rd. "Other" responses included:
Overall, the amount of people who responded to the survey was almost 100 people. This has given me some good information to base my project off. I have learned that people dislike graphic, in-your-face activism, though they do find vegan activism interesting. The main reason people aren't vegan at the moment is due to inconvenience and being unaware of foods they can buy/make.
The survey also brought to light some people who have a negative attitude towards veganism. This has shown me that veganism needs to be taken more seriously within society and not just seen as a joke.
Sunday, 13 March 2016
Cowspiracy is a documentary showcasing the effects that animal agriculture has on the environment produced and directed by Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn. The feature film targets many different aspects of the industry, from water usage, waste, environmental impacts, deforestation, land usage and over fishing.
The aim of the documentary is to expose the industry and show people that a plant based diet could save the earth and improve your health. They have a dedicated website to display the facts, and have produced an infographic on all of the key issues:
The aim of the documentary is to expose the industry and show people that a plant based diet could save the earth and improve your health. They have a dedicated website to display the facts, and have produced an infographic on all of the key issues:
The film has some brief graphic scenes so it's advised to not be shown to children or the very sensitive. This can be limiting to the audience but it can be seen as necessary to get the message across. The main tone of voice in this documentary is informative and educational, and does not come across as bias information. The information that they put forward in their infographic can all be backed up from viable sources listed on their website, and have a dedicated facts page for everything mentioned in the documentary.
Cowspiracy is an admirable project and is usually one of the first documentaries that people watch when becoming vegetarian. It isn't graphic or in-your-face, and takes a different approach to most documentaries of this form. Many people are unaware of the environmental impacts of animal agriculture, and Cowspiracy brings this to light in an informative, gentle way.
This is a similar approach that I would like to take in my project, as the documentary doesn't specifically attack meat-eaters, it just displays the facts for people to make their own choice. It's important that un-biased facts are displayed for people to make their own, informed decision.
Saturday, 12 March 2016
As we were all happy with the poster designs, I mocked them up in various locations. We would produce them for prime locations within cities, but also focus on producing them for universities and colleges to grab the attention of young creatives.
The website has been mocked up on a proper desktop, showing how it scrolls down the entire page.
Emily created an informative leaflet that will be placed around colleges and universities, aimed at new users to widen their understanding of the cloud. It includes information about all of the different software and an encouraging section about our characters.
She also created a welcome letter that you would receive upon subscribing to the cloud which features a print of our campaign artwork.
As Fennell has animated the artwork, we're producing a video for our final outcome. This is something new to me, but Fennell seems confident in producing animations and videos.
Once Fennell had finished all 6 illustrations, I created some portrait posters. I felt that portrait was preferable to landscape posters, especially as we needed to also create mockups. The final posters work well as a set, although I'm quite unsure of the inventor designs as they aren't really clear. Me and Emily expressed this multiple times, but as the deadline draws closer, we don't have time to change it. Overall the campaign has a strong identity, looks friendly and inviting to new users and shows them just a fraction of what can be achieved.
One of the other tasks I was given was to apply the campaign to the adobe website. I took the framework and applied each suitable software to the different characters we've created.
The website will work similarly to the existing adobe website, where you scroll down the page rather than visiting multiple pages to access information. The user can hover over software to get a more detailed look. The website is also interactive and fun to use, as the artwork will continuously change between the two designs.
After analysing the brief and seeing what needed to be included on the cover, I initially thought about creating a type-only design.
I experimented using the colours from the logo provided:
I was struggling to create something engaging and friendly, which is what the brief was after, so I took a different approach.
I created a calming, natural scene to correlate with the idea of mental-wellbeing and hopefully come across as friendly and approachable.
I experimented using the colours from the logo provided:
I created a calming, natural scene to correlate with the idea of mental-wellbeing and hopefully come across as friendly and approachable.
Upon receiving an email notifying me about the Love Arts Festival needing a front cover for their programme, I decided to respond to this brief as part of my individual practice.
The Brief:
The Brief:
We want you to design the cover of our festival programme. The winning design will be used on marketing online, on our printed programme and on posters across the city.
- The programme is A5 and full colour. The Love Arts branding is red, white and blue; you can attempt to fit your design into this colour scheme but it is by no means mandatory.
- Text to include:
Love Arts Festival
A celebration of creativity and mental well-being in Leeds
5th - 20th October 2016
- Text is usually better situated in the top half of the design so it stands out when in brochure racks
- Logos 1: please include the Love Arts Festival logo. This can either be the one we provide or a reworked version (see attached cover from 2015 to show what we mean)
- Logos 2: Please include the NHS logo (attached) - this MUST be top right.
- Theme: the festival highlights the creativity of people with mental health issues and how the arts can make us feel mentally well. Our loose them for 2016 is "identity" so we would welcome submissions that reflect this theme.
- The festival encompasses all sections of the arts: film, theatre, visual art, music, dance. It's a community festival run by and for the people of Leeds so a friendly "feel" would be preferred.
The wining design will be chosen by the Love Arts Steering Group. We may request some tweaks to fit in with our priorities. Other designs will be shared online if appropriate.
Deadline: 6th of May, 4pm.
Friday, 11 March 2016
Mocking up the posters gave us an idea of where we wanted to go with the campaign, but we felt it needed more of a concept. Fennell came up with the idea of having different characters to suit the different software, e.g. the builder, explorer, inventor and producer.
She came up with some initial illustrations, and we decided to go with the idea. It gives us something to focus the campaign on and keep the viewers engaged. Characters also have a lot of potential as they could be featured in one-off animations or on the website etc.
As Fennell send over the finished illustrations, me and Emily began working on the collateral for the project. She was struggling to come up with a scene for the producer, so we decided to leave that character out of the final concept.
When I received the files, I decided to change the colours to make them look more separate. There was a danger of the scenes looking too similar, and the viewers not being able to distinguish between the characters since they were so small. We also had some trouble with the inventor illustration, as it wasn't very clear. Fennell added some extra parts to it, which I re-coloured and placed in the cloud logo.
She came up with some initial illustrations, and we decided to go with the idea. It gives us something to focus the campaign on and keep the viewers engaged. Characters also have a lot of potential as they could be featured in one-off animations or on the website etc.
When I received the files, I decided to change the colours to make them look more separate. There was a danger of the scenes looking too similar, and the viewers not being able to distinguish between the characters since they were so small. We also had some trouble with the inventor illustration, as it wasn't very clear. Fennell added some extra parts to it, which I re-coloured and placed in the cloud logo.
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