Saturday 2 January 2016


After creating a version of the mockup I was pretty happy with, I went on to create all of the current Feel Good flavours:

I felt that it was important to have the colour of the logo contrasting to the juice, to stand out and possibly distract from the background words while the juice was full. I was quite happy with this idea, but not completely satisfied with it. I decided to move onto creating social media pages, e.g. a facebook and twitter page (which Feel Good already have), with the new branding I've created for them.

I created this header for social media pages, using the tear drop shape from the bottles.

I really liked this approach, so I decided to go back to the bottles and apply this design to them.

This design is much more effective. The colours used relate to the flavour, rather than using contrasting colours, and the concept of having words appear as the juice is consumed still works, as they appear through the water drops. The design looks fun and inviting, and can be implemented across many different platforms. 

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