Monday 27 October 2014

OUGD403 - Study Task 3 Crit

Today we had a small crit about the work we make as a group on Friday. We presented our newspaper layout to another group and explained to them our thought processes and design choices. Our feedback was quite straight-forward. Although it wasn't required of us, it would have been better to actually make a digital version of our layout with appropriate text and images, so people could actually see what it looked like and give more valid feedback. We were also asked whether we looked at broadsheet papers and seeing if we could report the story in a more sophisticated way - which we didn't. 
This feedback was useful as we found ways in which we could improve our design presentation and also our initial research into various different formats. 

The group that presented to us had the story "Micheal Schumacher Makes Progress". They chose a serif typeface which made it look quite sympathetic, because as they looked further into the story they found that if he makes a recovery he won't be the same person. They also had various (almost 20) different layouts made on a computer, which made it easy to comment on and give feedback. The group didn't have an outstanding favourite though, which is something I would consider when making something as part of a team.

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