Monday 27 October 2014

OUGD403 - Studio Brief 03: Message and Delivery - Research Crit

For Studio Brief 03, we were asked to collect a varied range of newspapers and chose a story that we found interesting to research from Saturday 25th October's press. I chose 3 newspapers, The Sun, The Independent and The Daily Mail. I found a story that was featured in all of these papers, which was the First Successful Dead Heart Transplant that took place in Australia. The way this story was presented in all 3 newspapers was very different.
The Sun had a very small space in the top corner of the left page:

The Independent had quite a concise 2 columns:

The Daily Mail had dedicated half a page and an image to this story:

I think that the way these papers have laid out their information says a lot about their target audience. On this particular day, The Suns main headline was a woman with a phobia of Simon Cowell, yet quite a large breakthrough in science gets relegated to barely a paragraph of text. I think that the readers of The Sun are more interested in celebrities and football, and devoting a large section to something their readers aren't interested in doesn't seem like a clever idea. 

With this story, I'm going to look into peoples opinions about whether this new technology is a good thing, and whether their religious choices effect their decision to be an organ donor, as the response to this story is quite mixed. I will be conducting research through social media, asking my friends on facebook and followers on twitter what their response is, and also looking on newspaper articles online and seeing what the comments are. I am also going to look at YouTube to see if there are any videos on there where I can also look at the comments. I'm aiming to produce a leaflet that will show both the For and Against side of the argument, and also looking into the morals/ethics of organ donation with new technology.

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