Monday, 15 February 2016


After the mixer I was contacted by Fennell, a 2nd year animation student who said she was interested in working with me. I already knew I wanted to work with an illustrator, so I was eager to meet up with her. Emily Patrick from graphic design was also interested in working with me, so we all met up together and discussed what we wanted from the brief and which projects we were interested in working on. 

After some discussion about Monotype and Designbridge, we decided that the Adobe brief was the one most matched to our skills. Monotype was restrictive for Fennell as we were only allowed to use type, and Designbridge didn't allow for much creative freedom as the main requirement was to be gender neutral. 

Once we had decided on a brief, we had a discussion of our rough roles in the project and filled in the partnership agreement: 

Fennell is also confident with creating short animations, which we can use in this project to promote Adobe through many different mediums. This works to our advantage and boosts our skill set, as me and Emily aren't as confident in using animation software. 

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