Wednesday 3 December 2014

OUGD405 - Frame Shape: Idea Development and Final Outcome

After the crit, I decided to take my ideas and develop them even further. I experimented on Photoshop and Illustrator with geometric shapes, straying quite far from my initial designs. Here are the developments:

I experimented with my original triangle design, looking at different colours and tones.

After that I decided to experiment with other geometric shapes, but I wasn't really happy with any of them. They all lacked something that made them stand out and fit my target audience. I started over again, this time referring back to my original designs:

I made this design using diamonds, but again it looked too messy and didn't seem to fit what i was trying to do. I changed the typeface to Ostrich Sans Black for the dimensions, and Sofia for "photoframe". I liked this idea and felt it made the type stand out more rather than the pattern in the background. I developed from here further and created my final outcomes:

Overall I'm happy with my designs, I think they look interesting, the colours are rich and will attract my target audience. I think if I had more time I would have tried to make the hexagonal design fit in with the others more but I think they have turned out well.

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